foto profilo

Kill The Beast Band

Vota per Kill The Beast Band

Wolf: cantautore (musica e testi), frontman e chitarra acustica.

The Eye (of what there is behind): Grafica e Sito Web

The Wizard (of the Sound): Arrangiatore e Tecnico del Suono

On the air in many radios and magazines in Italy, California (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Clarita and others), UK (London, Lankaster, Manchester, Daventry, Portsmouth and others), Wyoming (Sheridan and others), Oklahoma (Norman and others), Illinois (Chicago and others), Florida (Tampa and others), Michigan (Detroit, Owosso and others), Tennessee (Nashville and others), Texas (El Paso), New Mexico (Albuquerque), Canada (Mississauga and Barrie in Ontario, Lethbridge in Alberta and others), Brazil (Natal), Germany (Stuttgart) and Spain (Córdoba).


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